This polished stone is also from Bob. I took the plunge and wrapped it in sterling, using half round in the center with round on either side. It took me a while - not sure if it was because I was nervous using the s.s. or if it is a matter of getting used to the s.s. The stone is a lovely black and white design, like the last one I did. All in all, I'm pretty happy with the results. The most difficulty area for me was creating the bale and wrapping around it, then deciding what to do with the extra wires. Thanks for looking. HAPPY EASTER!!!!
It looks pretty, but it doesn't show it as sterling silver in the picture. Also, the stone looks gold more than black and white. I bet it is beautiful in person.
Look'n good! The bale and extra wires is the hardest part for me too! Keep up the good work!