I decided to do some "beading" rather than wire, and guess what? I went right back to wire....I guess it's becoming a part of me. This was a really fun project for me. Creating the wire pieces, putting them together, and incorporating the beads - it fulfilled the creative need in me. I love the way it came out and especially how the colors work together. My mind is already working towards a next project - I seem to create as I wake in the morning...that's when the creative juices seem to flow! There is so much beautiful bead and wire work out there in cyberspace and in magazines, that you have a lot of ideas to work with to create your own unique piece of jewelry. I read of one designer who gets ideas as she drives down the road - like the way a truckload of logs is stacked in a truck - so I am trying to learn to keep my eyes open to everything around me - colors, textures, or the way something twists or bends. You never know what might inspire that next piece of jewelry! Until then....Have a great day! Anita