Friday, July 23, 2010


As promised, here are the pictures of my latest adventure in bronze PMC.  Two matching leaves - earrings; a daisy, an owl, and a heart- large enough for a pendant; a small leaf - a great embellishment; a pansey - also an embellishment.  The one piece I am excited about is a motorcycle pendant.  I recently had someone ask me if I make biker jewelry.  I didn't, but decided to see what I could come up with.  My friend Jeanne (aka gammiebrat) and her husband have a collection of motorcycle memorabilia and I asked if they had something small enough to make a mold for a pendant.  We found a small bike and with Jeanne's help and her molding clay, came up with an impression.  We were very excited that it came out so well.  I will say that I think the piece looks better in person.  If you know of someone who might like one of these on a leather cord, refer them to me!!

1 comment:

  1. Dave loves his motorcycle. He even said he might wear it once in awhile. That's high praise since he never wears jewelry.

    I suppose I should get busy and work on using my bronze clay. lol

    Great job.

